Day 1 Lecture Slides

All of the notes from the intro of day 1. This includes intro to computational astrophysics, overview of N-body motion and the specific application of 2-Body motion (both analytically and computationally).

Plot Analytical 2-Body Problem

Some python code for plotting an elliptical solution for the 2-Body problem.

Plot Analytical + Numerical 2-Body Problem

Some python code for plotting an elliptical solution for the 2-Body problem. This includes the analytical solution and some sudo-code for setting up numerical integration with a Euler's-type integration scheme.

Some 2-Body Problem Notes

Some notes on the 2-Body problem from Massimo Ricotti's computational astrophysics class.

Notes on Integration in N-body

Some notes on general integration of N-Body problems from Massimo Ricotti's computational astrophysics class.

Integration of ODE's

Some notes on integration methods for ordinary differential equations from Massimo Ricotti's computational astrophysics class.

History: Initial N-Body Simulations I

One of Aarseth's early N-body papers.

History: Initial N-Body Simulations II

Second of Aarseth's early N-body papers.